There is only one thing in the long run more expensive than education:
no education.”
– John F. Kennedy, 1917 - 1963
The university and the training centre will use the park‘s infrastructure- Training courses will be aligned with the needs of the companies located at the Business Park. The focus of the available trainings during the first phase (2022-2023) is set on construction and related professions (e.g. plumbing, electrical installations, welders, locksmiths, construction planners, technical drawers, bricklayers, etc.)
Centre of practical skills
The Centre of Practical Skills, a technical and vocational education and training (TVET) facility, is being developed to provide companies investing in the framework of the European Business Park with qualified and certified workers and to create opportunities for Nigerian youth.
The development and implementation of the Centre of Practical Skills is carried out by ICMPD with support of the German government and GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH).
Sustainability & Vision
Providing sustainable livelihoods for the Nigerian youth through education and employment opportunities, while keeping the value added in the country and hence preventing irregular migration.
Business Park
Creating an eco-friendly self-sustaining park with access to water, electricity and sanitation for companies, students and residents to support economic and social development.
Start-Up Centre
Partnering with the existing Umuchinemere Procredit Micro Finance Bank Ltd (UPMFB) to support further business development.